Myllyn Koneistus is now Mecmill.

Thank you for visiting Alihankinta 2024 exhibition.

Contact us directly:

+358 40 160 4130

Quoation form

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We will help you achieve your goals efficiently and cost-effectively.

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    Precision and Quality

    Our machinery is optimized for efficient serial production. We focus in efficient multi-axis turning in the 8–36 mm range.

    Our machine capacity for bar work extends up to 80 mm, and with robotic loading, up to 160 mm.

    Our service range also includes milling parts up to a length of 4500 mm.

    Choose a partner with extensive experience in machining and subcontracting.

    We offer you personalized service and expertise with over 40 years of experience.

    We collaborate on designing with the customer, providing manufacturing and material technology support to improve cost-efficiency and manufacturability.

    Mecmill is part of the Kurvinen Companies

    Kurvinen Group is a financially stable and growing family-owned business group employing around 40 professionals. It is involved in organizing international competitive events, including those at the Olympic level.

    The Kurvinen family of companies includes Biathlon Target System Kurvinen, specializing in biathlon target and range systems, and Ecoaims Oy, which develops and manufactures electronic shooting systems and services.

    Mecmill, providing machining and subcontracting services, is an essential part of Kurvinen Group’s operations.